
Supporting families since 1988

Our Family Law team undertakes work in all aspects of relationship breakdown and is here to help and provide you with the highest quality of service.

If you were to die, without having made a valid Will, then in those circumstances the Intestacy Rules determine who will inherit your property, money and possessions.

People you may want to benefit may end up with nothing- especially if you and your partner are not married – and possibly those who you would not want or expect to benefit from your estate would end up doing so. It is far better to have certainty.

When making a Will you need to consider the following points:

  • Who is going to sort out your Estate when you die (Executors);
  • Who you would want to look after any children that are still under the age of 18 years;
  • Whether you wish to include any specific funeral wishes;

  • Whether you wish to leave any specific gifts ie. money, jewellery, etc.

  • Who you want to receive the remainder of your Estate.

Our expert team advises on all aspects of relationship breakdown, offering unrivalled service and support. Click to book an initial consultation.

I needed some fast, honest advice and that’s exactly what was given. It was clear and transparent about further costs and next steps to take.